Defibrillators for the Lochgelly area (minimum of 4)

Defibrillators for the Lochgelly area (minimum of 4)

Defibrillators are a common sight in North East Fife yet this equipment which can be an important life saver is missing from the Lochgelly (and Central Fife) area. For a cost of around £1500 per each defibrillator, we can place Defibrillators at key locations throughout Lochgelly. Locations can be at Co-op (Motion Street), Lochgelly Fire Station, Co-op (Bank Street), Lochgelly Centre & Health Centre, and business premises across from Lochgelly Railway Station parking area.


Public Access Defibrillators can provide a lifeline to those suffering a medical emergency. Volunteers can be trained in use and maintenance of equipment. The first few minutes of a medical emergency can be life threatening. With public Defibrillators, the chances of survival can be increased. The system has already been tried and tested successfully iby North East Fife First Responders and I see no reason why their positive work cannot be replicated across Central Fife -

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