Hill of Beath Community Area

Hill of Beath Community Area

There have been ongoing issues with drainage at the area of land adjacent to Hill of Beath Club; constantly water-logged. Hill of Beath Community Group are looking at the implementation & delivery of a Biodiversity area to improve the drainage conditions. Fife Council's bio-diversity co-ordinator is engaged to review options available to develop an area of the land most affected by the drainage issues. Longer term to develop the whole area of land to incorporate an adventure area/play area.


Hill of Beath Community Group has been set up to look at the implementation and delivery of a Community Area, phase 1 of which will be a Biodiversity area to improve the drainage conditions by working with nature which will engage the community and school within Hill of Beath. It is hoped longer term a play park can be developed to replace the existing park within Hill of Beath which is run down and outdated.

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